Monday 16 November 2009

Final Session. "My perfect job"

My perfect job would be working for vocation (first at all). I'am interested in working for the animal welfare. Actually I do it, but I consider that being veterinary medic I would help more than if I'm not. This work, is focused in the animal liberation, medic assistance, rehabilitation, etc. For example, animals rescued of the circus, homeless dogs, animals rescued from fur farms and other animals tortured by humans.

This job can be founded anywhere, anyway!. You just have to have the intention of help animals. This job would be special for me, because I think that is a nobel cause. The Animals are voiceless and we must be their voice. Furthermore, working like veterinary medic, I think that the help is double, because after protesting and release animals, I can take care of their helth and welfare.

Otherwise, I think that the animal produccion contradicts with the veterinary medicine. We must help and cure animals, not torture them in jails for then kill them!.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Session 3 My favourite link

I love this link. Simple.
This link belongs to German music group called HEAVEN SHALL BURN, wich I'm fan. I met this music band in 2004, because a friend show me a heaven shall burn video. From this moment I like this.

In 2007, HEAVEN SHALL BURN came to Chile. They played in the "Victor Jara Stadium" and the ticket was spend in $15.000. Unfortunalety, I haven't money !. I couldn't go to see my favourite music band.

For this, this is my favourite link, because I can see videos of them. Furthermore, I can listen his music and buy t-shirt's and pulovers through of internet. In fact, I have a t-shirt of them.

Really, mi favourite link, is only, because, a lot of music band have accountt in this page, especially my favourite bands!

Check this link!

Saturday 10 October 2009

My favourite picture

This picture is very special for me, more over I consider it beatiful because I am with my friends in a great landscape. The place where we are is the locality of Ranco Lake, near Temuco. With my friends, we participate of the TTVV ( voluntaries veterinaries works) in the winter vacations of this year. In this works, organized for the university of Chile, we learned to vaccinate cows, horses, sheeps and a lot dogs and cats. We behave like legitimate veterinary. Furthermore, we met a lot of people, of the University of chile too, but of others careers, such us Obstetricy, Odontology, Medicine, Agronomy, etc. It was an inolvidable experiencie that I would like to repeat. This year, I have two options for this works in the summer vacations: North or South. I don't know where to go!.
*In this picuture, from left to right, Tomy, Sebastian, Phillip and Gianfranco.

Monday 28 September 2009

Session 1

I like a lot the tecnology, like computes, cellphones, medic tecnology, and in special my MP3 player. However, I am not interested in have the latest techonology, furthermore I have not money for buy the latest technology, it is very expensive!.

I am going to talk about my favourite piece of technology, my MP3 player. My mother bring me for my birthday, in the year 2007. It have 1GB of memory, enough for my favourite music and other archives. I like it because ever I need to listen to music, in the bus, in my house, in the street, etc; and my MP3 player allow me. My MP3 player with battery and my headphones are like essential in my day. It become to me happy. The life without my MP3 player (without music mainly) would be so bored and my mood would be in the floor. One time, I lost my MP3 player for 3 days. I was very angry with all the world.