Monday 16 November 2009

Final Session. "My perfect job"

My perfect job would be working for vocation (first at all). I'am interested in working for the animal welfare. Actually I do it, but I consider that being veterinary medic I would help more than if I'm not. This work, is focused in the animal liberation, medic assistance, rehabilitation, etc. For example, animals rescued of the circus, homeless dogs, animals rescued from fur farms and other animals tortured by humans.

This job can be founded anywhere, anyway!. You just have to have the intention of help animals. This job would be special for me, because I think that is a nobel cause. The Animals are voiceless and we must be their voice. Furthermore, working like veterinary medic, I think that the help is double, because after protesting and release animals, I can take care of their helth and welfare.

Otherwise, I think that the animal produccion contradicts with the veterinary medicine. We must help and cure animals, not torture them in jails for then kill them!.

1 comment:

  1. hi pipo!
    I am very agree with you, we care for animals and love them very much! no animal abuse!
    see you!
